InCoinsBenchbyDarlington GospelHow to Build an Answer-to-Earn Platform with React, Solidity, and CometChatThis tutorial combines blockchain technology, real-time communication, and user-generated content to create an interactive platform that…Feb 27, 20231Feb 27, 20231
Mussie LegesseBlockchain: The Trilemma!To better understand the blockchain trilemma, it is best to start by defining the term trilemma. A trilemma is having to make a difficult…Oct 21, 2022Oct 21, 2022
InBetter ProgrammingbyStephen Lloyd WebberHow to Deploy Smart Contracts via RelayerWithout exposing private keysJul 25, 2022Jul 25, 2022
Aw Kai ShinSigning and Verifying Ethereum Hashed MessagesOne exciting feature of Ethereum is the ability to prove consent directly between parties. In other words, you can easily validate that…Oct 31, 2022Oct 31, 2022
InBuildBear LabsbyDipesh SukhaniLearn how to Code a Decentralised Hotel Booking System Smart ContractThe travel and Tourism industry is a 4-billion-dollar industry globally and is estimated to grow by a whopping CAGR of 15.5% to 16 billion…Nov 14, 20221Nov 14, 20221
Evangelos PappasHow to develop a tournament leaderboard for web3 games in solidityIntroductionDec 6, 2022Dec 6, 2022
InBetter ProgrammingbyJeffer1981Developing Dynamic NFTsEver wanted to create an NFT that reacts to real-world events and data? Now you can, with Chain Link Oracles. Let’s check out how this can…Jun 16, 20223Jun 16, 20223
Alain | Web3hackingLabsCREATE a CONTRACT with 2 SAME addresses on 2 DIFFERENT chainsDid you know that it was possible to create 2 smart contract on different blockchains with the same address?Nov 6, 20222Nov 6, 20222
InLevel Up Codingby0𝕏kojiHow to Create an Interactive NFTIn this post, we will try to create an interactive NFT. The goal is to see it on Opensea.Feb 24, 20223Feb 24, 20223
Harpal JadejaHow to create a Loyalty Program using Meta-transactionsWhat if users could get rewarded for transactions and not pay gas? This tutorial will show you how!Jul 27, 2022Jul 27, 2022
InBetter ProgrammingbyGrace LunguImplementing NFT Token Gating With a Solidity Smart ContractKnow how token gating worksMay 17, 2022May 17, 2022
InEncode ClubbyTina BregovićPolygon Hackathon: Introduction to Web3 and Polygon [Video + Slides]On Tuesday, 24th May we were delighted to host the Introduction to Web3 and Polygon workshop for our Encode x Polygon Hackathon. This was…May 25, 2022May 25, 2022
InOpen Ticketing EcosystembyColby MortMay 22 Update — No Frontier Left UnturnedWe are back with another blog, back in our old Medium environment — which we’ll be using for community-focussed content moving forward.May 31, 2022May 31, 2022
InCoinmonksbyChikku GeorgeERC-1155 NFT Smart Contract Deployment — using HardhatA guide on how to write and deploy ERC-1155 standard smart contractMay 21, 20221May 21, 20221
InCoinsBenchbyDecentral FarmHow to Program an On-Chain Giveaway to NFT HoldersYou created your NFT project, but now you want to promote it. Instead of airdropping the NFT spamming and pissing off a lot of people, just…May 25, 2022May 25, 2022
InCoinmonksbyDecentral FarmHow to Create a Customizable NFTImagine you have a generic NFT (Non Fungible Token), like Pet Number ( I recommend the article…May 17, 2022May 17, 2022
InLevel Up CodingbyAlexandr KumancevDeveloping smart contracts using Hardhat and Ethers.js (Part 2)Today we’ll write&deploy a smart contract and test it with chai.May 21, 20223May 21, 20223
InCoinsBenchbyAlexandr KumancevDeveloping smart-contracts using Hardhat and Ethers. Part 1To orchestrate this process we’re going to use Hardhat, a development environment that facilitates building on Ethereum. It helps…May 17, 20221May 17, 20221
InCoinmonksbySilvia MargaritaA day by day to become a smart contracts developer in 2022 — week 3Week 4: Understanding how computers workMay 11, 2022May 11, 2022
InWeb3 & Generative NFT Programming ArticlesbyJim Dee — From Blockchain to Bookshelves.The Offset Approach to Fair NFT Reveals, and Other Metadata Reveal Strategies / ConsiderationsThe Bored Ape approach, refined a bit, is still my favorite.May 9, 2022May 9, 2022